Heavy Duty truck and trailer parts
Refacciones para Equipo Pesado
Somos sus aliados comerciales para ofrecer y adquirir refacciones para Equipo Pesado.
Expo Transporte 2025
We will attend the Expo Transporte 2025 in Guadalajara Mexico. Nov 12-14 2025.
We offer our distributors full support in terms of brand representation.
Lo nuevo
Proin vel tincidunt justo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque euismod non ex
Nulla iaculis fermentum lacus nec vulputate.
Duis ornare ipsum leo
Sed quis diam eu dolor mollis malesuada nec in justo.
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Latin America Sales Company Inc.
LATIN AMERICA SALES COMPANY INC. (LASCO) is a USA-based corporation that represents quality parts manufacturers in the heavy-duty truck and trailer industry. We service the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, South America, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand.
Latin America Sales Company Inc.
LATIN AMERICA SALES COMPANY INC. (LASCO), es una corporación con sede en EE. UU. que representa a fabricantes de piezas de calidad en la industria de camiones pesados y remolques. Servimos a las regiones del Caribe, América Central, México, América del Sur, Australia, Nueva Zelanda y Sudáfrica.
Central America
Territory Manager: Alonso Maroto
Territory Manager: Joe Figueroa
Territory Manager: Gerardo de la Cruz
South America
Territory Manager: Alonso Maroto
South Africa
Territory Manager: Joe Figueroa
Australia & New Zealand
Territory Manager: Joe Figueroa
LASCO has signed a contract to represent Doleco USA.
We are thrilled to announce that LASCO has signed a
Mr. Gerardo de la Cruz Ortiz has joined LASCO
Mr. Gerardo de la Cruz Ortiz has joined LASCO as National Sales Manager for Mexico
LASCO has started its relationship with IATCO
LASCO has begun its relationship with IATCO (“Illinois Auto and Clutch” by representing the company for Latin America and other non-US markets.
LASCO has signed a contract to represent Doleco USA.
We are thrilled to announce that LASCO has signed a
Mr. Gerardo de la Cruz Ortiz has joined LASCO
Mr. Gerardo de la Cruz Ortiz has joined LASCO as National Sales Manager for Mexico
LASCO has started its relationship with IATCO
LASCO has begun its relationship with IATCO (“Illinois Auto and Clutch” by representing the company for Latin America and other non-US markets.